SmartGeoMetrics brings Scan&Go to North America!

SmartGeometrics finalized an agreement with Scan&Go, the Italian manufacturer of tripod and roof mounted 3D Laser Scanner elevated lifts and leveling systems. SmartGeoMetrics is now the exclusive distributor of the Scan&Go product lines for the entirety of North America.
What is Scan&Go? The Scan&Go Systems help you get more out of your current static scanning solution. Don’t buy a new scanner, adapt your scanner with these solutions providing better vantages, more coverage, less scan locations, and incredible flexibility within your workflow. Scan&Go provides 3 different platforms: Kangur Lift, Level-Lift Roof 32 Evo, and the Uplift 220 (Coming Soon!), working in conjunction with the Level-Plane Evo 14. The Kangur Lift is a compact, rolling tripod solution that allows you to acquire 3D laser scan data from an incredible 19.5ft! Using rope ties and the optional Level-Plane Evo 14, users can now elevate, level, and scan like never before. The Level-Lift Roof 32 Evo is a vehicle roof mounted system using the Level-Plane Evo 14, targets, and GPS to simply drive and acquire scans more efficiently than ever before. Add in the extension pole up to 9.5 feet and 3D laser scanning can be accomplished on an entire new level, no pun intended! Finally, the soon to arrive Uplift 220 is a faster, easier, and more mobile rolling tripod allowing users to elevate their scanner up to 10.5 feet. Perfect for tricky interior spaces, over fences, and above ceiling spaces.
Scan&Go Italy has seen much demand in North America. Their inquiries are now being directed to SmartGeoMetrics for rentals, sales, and support with their systems on a more local level and to assist with communication barriers. If you are interested in the Scan&Go systems please visit the SmartGeoMetrics’ website here. If you are interested in becoming a reseller contact SmartGeoMetrics to get set up.